
How Do I Know If Someone Is Gaslighting Me?
The concept of gaslighting has become a major topic of discussion on social media — primarily related to romantic relationships. But did you know that you can also face gaslighting from friends, family members, neighbors, co-workers, or even online acquaintances?

Can a Narcissist Change?
The short answer is yes. But there’s plenty of context to consider. Gathering this context involves some deep self-education along with, of course, working with a qualified professional.

Exploring the 6 Types of Narcissism
Go ahead and log onto any social media platform. In less than a minute of scrolling, you’re bound to encounter some kind of post that mentions narcissism.

How to Recognize Narcissistic Abuse: Key Indicators and Warning Signs
Narcissistic abuse can be hard to spot, especially because it doesn’t always involve physical violence.

What is Narcissistic Gaslighting?
Thanks to social media, certain psychology terms can suddenly go viral. These days, it seems you can’t avoid conversations about narcissism and gaslighting. In theory, this can be a good thing. Awareness is vital, but so is accuracy.

The Overlap Between Codependency and Narcissism
Narcissism and codependency have become popular buzzwords over the past couple of years. However, social media posts rarely equate to useful knowledge.

How to Recognize and Cope with Narcissistic Behavior in Your Relationship
It’s a good thing that mental health awareness has never been higher. However, getting your information from content like memes is not a good idea.

How Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Can Treat Your Anxiety
Thanks to the introduction of social media, most of us now appreciate how widespread anxiety disorders are. Everyone talks about them, complains about them, and makes memes about them.

How to Cope with Feelings of Depression After Divorce
If we were to believe pop culture portrayals of divorce, we’d be stuck in a pattern of cynical, black-and-white thinking. Divorce is much more than a stand-up comedian’s punch line. It’s a complex experience — brimming with nuance and worthy of our full attention.

How to Harness the Power of Listening to Strengthen Your Relationship
Life is busy and noisy. We fill our days to the brim with work, hobbies, social engagements, and activities, with technology filling in the white noise of our downtime.

6 Ways to Ease Election Anxiety
Not that long ago, human beings were not inundated with updates (real or fake) from all corners of the earth. While it can be important to keep up with certain developments, we mostly end up overwhelmed by the deluge.

5 Signs of Unhealed Attachment Trauma
When you cross paths with a couple, it’s not uncommon to ask how they met. But what about why they met? What deeply rooted factors can lead two people to experience what feels like attraction?

Making Conflict Healthy: How to Make Your Partner Your Ally, Not Your Enemy
Every couple has disagreements. If you and your partner don’t fight, it’s not because you’ve discovered something no one else has.

What’s the Link Between Trauma and Chronic Pain?
The prevalence of chronic pain has reached a point where it’s taken for granted. At least one-third of Americans suffer from chronic pain.

Learning From Past Relationship Mistakes so You Don’t End Up Repeating Them
Healthy relationships are not the result of good luck. They happen because both partners are willing to do the work. This very much includes learning from past experiences.

How to Process Grief After Divorce
Every divorce involves unique factors. Things can range from acrimony to relief and well beyond. But there’s one emotion that every divorce involves, whether we acknowledge it or not.

What is a Codependency Triangle?
In a culture dominated by “content,” it can be tricky to discern what a healthy relationship should look and feel like.

3 Childhood Experiences That Can Cause Attachment Trauma
During childhood, a child is entirely dependent on parents or caregivers. They may not be aware of this reality, but they quickly learn who supplies the care and nurturing they need.

7 Causes Of Attachment Trauma
If our basic needs are not properly met during childhood, the result can be a condition called attachment trauma. Let’s look at some causes of attachment trauma.

Toxic Codependency — What Does It Mean?
Codependency can sneak up on any relationship. What begins as a healthy connection can slowly transform into an overreliance on each other in a very dysfunctional — and yes, toxic — way.