5 Signs of Unhealed Attachment Trauma
When you cross paths with a couple, it’s not uncommon to ask how they met. But what about why they met? What deeply rooted factors can lead two people to experience what feels like attraction?
What’s the Link Between Trauma and Chronic Pain?
The prevalence of chronic pain has reached a point where it’s taken for granted. At least one-third of Americans suffer from chronic pain.
3 Childhood Experiences That Can Cause Attachment Trauma
During childhood, a child is entirely dependent on parents or caregivers. They may not be aware of this reality, but they quickly learn who supplies the care and nurturing they need.
7 Causes Of Attachment Trauma
If our basic needs are not properly met during childhood, the result can be a condition called attachment trauma. Let’s look at some causes of attachment trauma.
From Trauma to Addiction: Unraveling the Complex Link
Trauma is an emotional response to a deep, disturbing, or distressful event like a natural disaster, an accident, or an act of violence. Responses to traumatic events are very personal and individualized depending on a number of factors.
How the Unmet Needs of Childhood Affect Adult Relationships
As children, it’s hard to imagine that our experiences and overall surroundings will impact our adult relationships. It’s not something that is on a child’s radar, but adults should be aware of this.
How Your Body Remembers Trauma
Trauma is one of the most difficult things to recover from. If you or someone you love has experienced something traumatic, healing might feel impossible.